13 September 2024

Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu issued a message on the occasion of Mevlid Kandili, which will be observed on Saturday, September 14.

In his message, Mayor Palancıoğlu extended his congratulations to the entire Islamic world for Mevlid Kandili. He expressed the joy of celebrating this blessed night, which marks the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), sent as a mercy to all worlds, and said the following:

We are happy to observe Mevlid Kandili, the anniversary of the arrival of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who was sent as a mercy to all worlds. We should follow the beautiful morals of the Prophet, based on the Quran, and take His Sunnah as our guide. To live together with feelings of unity, solidarity, and brotherhood, we must get to know Him well and promote His example. On this blessed Kandil night, when social unity, cooperation, and spiritual beauty are increasing, we should strive to better understand and appreciate our Prophet (PBUH). We should aim to fully grasp His messages and use His patience, generosity, kindness, and good morals as our guide. We should live according to the Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH), which teaches us honesty, caring for orphans, maintaining family ties, not betraying trusts, and having good morals. I hope that this blessed night, when the doors of mercy are wide open, brings peace, harmony, and brotherhood to the entire Islamic world. With these feelings, I wish a blessed Mevlid Kandili to all Muslims and pray to Allah for our prayers to be accepted and approved.

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