29 August 2024

Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu issued a message on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of August 30 Victory Day.

Mayor Palancıoğlu stated that they celebrated with great pride the 102nd anniversary of the Great Victory, which resulted in the epic triumph of a nation that was intended to be annihilated and laid the foundations of the Republic of Turkey. He expressed the following sentiments:

Exactly 102 years ago, the Turkish army under the command of Gazi Mustafa Kemal achieved a great victory with the Great Offensive and the Battle of Dumlupınar, demonstrating to the world that the Turkish Nation would not live in captivity. The Great Victory on August 30 is the epic saga of the heroism of the Turkish Nation, which left its mark on history despite attempts to erase it from the pages of time. The struggle for independence, which began in 1919 in Samsun under the leadership of Gazi Mustafa Kemal, was brought to victory despite all odds with the Battle of Dumlupınar on August 30. It is the glorious victory with which our noble nation, rejecting the prospect of living under oppression by declaring ‘Either independence or death,’ shaped its future. I take pride in celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the Great Victory, a testament to courage, heroism, and love of the homeland, and a symbol for the entire world. We will uphold our sacred homeland, which our revered ancestors bequeathed to us with their lives and blood so that we may live freely as citizens, with the same determination and resolve. We will continue to protect this legacy at all costs.

With all these feelings and thoughts, I celebrate our August 30 Victory Day with great enthusiasm and pride. I honour with respect, gratitude, and appreciation our Commander-in-Chief Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his comrades, all our martyrs, and veterans. Happy August 30 Victory Day to our glorious nation.

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