Melikgazi Municipality, which carries out the cleaning works without interruption,
He started cleaning the ghazals on the streets as part of his cleaning.
In autumn Stating that trees cause environmental pollution because they shed their leaves. and the teams carried out a feverish cleaning effort to clean them. said Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, “The month of winter cleaning of ghazals and garden waste falling from trees as the approach approaches. we started. Our teams, with road sweeping vehicles and leaf collection vehicles, To prevent leaves from blocking rain water channels on streets and streets is cleaning. We take care to ensure that every neighborhood of Melikgazi is clean. We show. Our goal is to keep our Melikgazi clean. More of Melikgazi We attach importance and care to keeping it tidy and clean. cleaning crews Apart from routine cleaning works, we started to carry out autumn cleaning throughout the district. will continue. To our colleagues for their work for our district. Thank you." he said.
President Palancıoğlu adds new vehicles to its vehicle fleet every year in Melikgazi. Reminding them to follow technology closely, especially cleaning He said that they did not cause any disruption in their services.
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