Municipality, for female personnel within the scope of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month"
organized breast cancer awareness training for.
Given by Sema Tercan, Responsible Physician of Başkal Healthy Life Center
The aim of the training was to raise awareness against breast cancer.
“Early diagnosis saves life
Melikgazi Municipality attended the seminar held at the Municipality Theater Hall.
staff attended. It is stated that breast cancer occurs in 1 in every 8 women.
It was stated that early diagnosis saves lives.
Baskal Healthy Life Center Responsible Physician Sema Tercan, breast cancer
Ways of protection, risk factors in breast cancer, protective factors, symptoms
and informed female staff about many issues such as her findings.
All cancer
Early diagnosis of breast cancer, which is very common as well as other types of
Stating that it saves lives, Tercan emphasized the importance of annual check-ups.
Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening and Training Center (Ketem) in Kayseri
provided information about the centers.
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