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  • Çarşı Melıkgazı Wıll Meet Its Energy Needs From Green Energy Sources
14 March 2024

Continuing to implement renewable and sustainable environmentally friendly projects, Melikgazi Municipality will install a Solar Energy System (GES) on the roof of the Çarşı Melikgazi project, nearing completion.
With the Solar Energy System (GES), Çarşı Melikgazi's electricity expenses will be covered, generating even more added value. Stating that with the installation of the Solar Energy System (GES) on the roof of the facility, they will reduce the energy input and generate more benefit, Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu said, "We continue to be the municipality of firsts in Kayseri. We are delighted to add yet another project that will carry the distinction of being a first for Melikgazi in almost every field. We prioritize and utilize sustainable energy sources to meet the energy needs of future generations and minimize environmental damage. Our Çarşı Melikgazi project, which will serve as an example for Turkey upon completion, incorporating features seen only abroad, has reached its final stages. We have conducted the tender to install a Solar Energy System (GES) on the roof of our project, and the assembly work will commence shortly. Meeting the electricity needs of the facility, which will be open seven days a week, from renewable energy sources will contribute significantly to reducing operational expenses. Alongside our renewable energy investments, we will make significant contributions to preserving environmental health, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and minimizing our corporate carbon footprint. The solar power plant has been designed to complement the architectural aesthetics of the facility without compromising its visual appeal. The solar power plant, with an installed capacity of 188.1 kWp, will utilize 342 units of 550 W photovoltaic solar panels. I wish success to this endeavour.