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  • Fırst Aıd Traınıng From Melikgazi Munıcıpalıty To Its Staff
07 December 2024

Melikgazi Municipality, within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety, employees working within the municipality gave first aid training to the personnel.

Melikgazi Martyr Hüseyin Danacı Public Education Center Specialist Teacher Sultan Altındiş At the end of the training given by at Melikgazi Municipality Theater Hall The participants received a first aid training certificate.

Occupational health In the first aid training given in accordance with the law on safety and security, the municipality Life-saving information was given to the workers and civil servants working within the company. Basic first aid practices, evaluation of patients, injured people and the scene, basic life support, first aid for bleeding, burns, heat stroke and first aid for sprains, first aid for fractures, dislocations and sprains, consciousness first aid for illnesses, first aid for poisoning, animal bites first aid, first aid for foreign objects entering the eyes, ears and nose, First aid in cases of drowning and patient and injured handling techniques To gain effective life-saving intervention skills in emergency situations through training intended.

Occupational Health Participants will be consciously informed with the first aid training given within the scope of They learned rescue techniques.

Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, by Melikgazi Municipality He stated that training seminars held periodically will continue.