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  • Melıkgazı Munıcıpalıty Contınues In-Servıce Traınıngs
26 October 2021

             An information training on “Stress Management Methods and Anger Management” was organized for the staff at Melikgazi Municipality.

            In the training, the staff was told about the techniques of getting rid of the harmful effects of stress in their relations with citizens and in everyday life, while the causes of the feeling of anger and ways to deal with this feeling were conveyed through the applications. 

           Psychologist Nazan Sondac gave the training, which was carried out in cooperation with the Directorate of Human Resources and Education through the cooperation of BEM-BIR-SEN Trade Union. 

          Noting that in-service training programs will continue to improve the quality of services provided, Melikgazi Mayor Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu said, "We care about in-service trainings in order to provide better quality service to our citizens. In-service trainings that will be useful for our staff and our institution will continue. Thank you to everyone that participated. Anger management and stress management training was provided to all our other units, especially the Police Department. Anger and stress are part of life. And it is necessary to learn to cope with it. Stress-causing factors need to be noticed and controlled. It is worth being conscious in this. We will continue to provide trainings and seminars to our staff on a regular basis in order to further improve the quality of the service we provide to our people." he used his statements.