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  • Melıkgazı Munıcıpalıty Has Introduced The Hıstorıcal Book Of Kayserı Hıgh School, Whıch Is Consıdered Kayserı's Venerable Instıtutıon
25 August 2024

Melikgazi Municipality held a promotion and discussion program for the book “Kayseri’s Venerable History: Kayseri High School,” written by Yusuf Özmerdivenli, which was published under the Cultural Publications initiative.

During the program, the promotion of the two-volume book was conducted, and AK Party Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş, Chairman of the National Defense Committee and AK Party Kayseri MP Hulusi Akar, and Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, held a discussion session.

In his speech, Mayor Palancıoğlu stated that the work, which will shed light on Kayseri’s history, would be a legacy for future generations. He said:

Yusuf Özmerdivenli has done a wonderful job with his previous work on the 100th anniversary alumni of Kayseri High School. This work is his second excellent contribution. The two-volume book includes a list of the alumni. Truly, many significant figures have graduated from Kayseri High School. Founded in 1893 to rival Talas American College, the Kayseri High School building was constructed in the early 1920s. It has trained economists, artists, and politicians who have had a significant impact on Turkey's future. Therefore, this school is important for its role in nurturing advanced and impactful young people for Turkey's future. I would like to thank our Ministry of National Education, our principals, and our teachers. May Allah make the future of our country and our youth beautiful. May He assist us in providing the best infrastructure for them. I also thank Yusuf Özmerdivenli and everyone who contributed to this effort.
Yusuf Özmerdivenli, who mentioned that he devoted 15 years to bringing the work to life, said, “Creating this work and the previous 'Kayseri High School 100 Years Honorary Documentary' book was not easy. Just as a bee creates something by collecting pollen from thousands of flowers, I also dedicated 15 years to producing this work. It is impossible to fully capture Kayseri High School in pages, hours, or days. I thank my valuable student Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu and his team, as well as everyone who contributed, for facilitating the addition of such a work to our cultural life.”

AK Party Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş, highlighting the importance of Kayseri High School, said, “Thank you very much for the meeting. I was very happy with the contributions and invitation from our President. I also felt immense joy seeing my classmates and teachers. Singing the school anthem brought back memories of those days. This school has indeed provided very important educational services and has nurtured many significant individuals. I would like to thank our esteemed President for inviting us on this occasion and our valuable professor for contributing with this book.

Hulusi Akar, Chairman of the National Defense Committee and AK Party , who commemorated the martyrs of his alma mater, Kayseri High School, said, “Countries and nations need to somehow live their own history. Living this history means not only experiencing it personally but also ensuring that institutions live it; institutions need to be successful for the development of states and countries. Therefore, to maintain our position, we must certainly carry out these organizations and activities. I thank everyone who contributed to the program. On this occasion, I also respectfully and reverently remember the 63 martyrs of the high school we graduated from.