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  • Melıkgazı Munıcıpalıty Invests In The Future Wıth Savıngs
23 May 2024

Melikgazi Municipality saved by developing software worth a total of 5 million Turkish Liras with its own resources in 2023.

Melikgazi Municipality saved a total of 5 million Turkish Liras by developing Urban Transformation, Career Melikgazi Job Application Software, Geographic Information Systems Software and Integration, 4 corporate web pages, and 16 website and web portal software using its own resources developed by R&D Directorate teams.

Melikgazi Municipality Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, who has contributed to the district with numerous innovative projects, stated that his efforts to carry the existing opportunities into the future and to carry out developmental works continue. He said the following:

As Melikgazi Municipality, we strive to use our resources in the most efficient manner while serving our district. We implement ideas that will facilitate our citizens' lives while also saving. In this context, alongside the projects we have implemented such as GES (Solar Energy Systems), our geographic information systems application, drip irrigation systems, LED lighting systems, and many more, we ensure continuity with our new ideas. We value the importance of saving to use our energy resources efficiently and to leave a more liveable world for future generations. To prevent waste, we make every effort to use the resources at our disposal effectively. Following our innovative approach to savings, we use our resources effectively, efficiently, and economically in our municipality's expenses and expenditures. In this regard, we have saved 5 million Turkish Liras with the Urban Transformation, Career Melikgazi Job Application Software, Geographic Information Systems Software and Integration, 4 corporate web pages, and 16 website and web portal software developed by our R&D Directorate teams using our own resources. I thank all my colleagues who contributed to this effort. With new projects that will invest in the future, we will continue to serve Melikgazi in the best possible way.