Melikgazi Municipality held the launch meeting of the book titled "History of Kayseri High School, the Great Plane Tree of Kayseri", which consists of two volumes and has been published within the scope of Kültür Publications. will make it happen.
The promotion to be made for the two-volume book prepared by Kayseri High School Retired Deputy Principal Yusuf Özmerdivenli, which was realized with the cultural service of Melikgazi Municipality. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, August 24 at 16.00 at the Melikgazi Municipality Theater Hall.
“It will contribute to Kayseri's rich educational heritage.”
While reading Kayseri's Great Plane Tree History of Kayseri High School, you can see that both Kayseri High School, Kayseri and the Turkish Nation Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. said that he witnessed the recent history of . Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu invited all citizens to the promotion and interview program and said:
“ As Melikgazi Municipality, we bring you many services. Among these, written works that may shed light on the past in the future are very important. In this context, we have brought you many cultural publications about Kayseri and Melikgazi. Now we present you a new work. We present to you the work of our teacher Yusuf Özmerdivenli, who is also my teacher, and consists of two volumes, about the history of Kayserili High School. We prepared and printed it within the scope of the cultural publications of our Melikgazi Municipality. Hopefully, we will both introduce and inform you about Kayseri High School with a nice interview at the Melikgazi Municipality Theater Hall at 16:00 on Saturday. I would like to thank our teacher Yusuf Özmerdivenli and my valuable team for bringing this beautiful work to you. We will have a nice promotional program on Saturday, with the participation of our Hulusi Akar Pasha, our Minister Mustafa Elitaş and other graduates who graduated from here. We welcome graduates of Kayseri High School, those who have contributed to the education sector in Kayseri, and anyone who is interested in our program. I hope that this beautiful work of ours will be beneficial.”
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