Melikgazi Municipality continues to support project teams applying to TEKNOFEST, which aims to develop Turkey's national technologies.
At the project evaluation meeting held at the Melikgazi Municipality Theater Hall from May 01 to May 04 for teams applying for support from Melikgazi Municipality to participate in this year's Aerospace and Space Technology Festival TEKNOFEST, to be held in Adana, a total of 81 projects appeared before the jury.
"We are providing record support to projects that will make a mark at TEKNOFEST!"
Melikgazi Municipality Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, known for his pioneering investments and services in education, stated that they will continue their support for R&D and young people. President Palancıoğlu, who provided 2.5 million TL of technological support to the teams participating in TEKNOFEST from Kayseri in 2024, said, "We are experiencing a year that befits the Turkey Century. As a country, with productions such as UAVs, drones, and many other indigenous and national sources of pride, we are strengthening our country's power.
We will bring many indigenous and national productions to our country by enabling our children, young people, and adults to discover their talents through education and support, making us proud. As Melikgazi Municipality, we have provided tremendous support to middle school, high school, and university students who produce and develop technology within the scope of TEKNOFEST, and we continue to do so. We are providing record support to projects that will make a mark at TEKNOFEST. In 2022, we provided 1 million TL to 33 teams, in 2023, 1.5 million TL to 20 projects, and in 2024, with a record amount of 2.5 million TL in technological support, we are investing in the future of our youth. Melikgazi Municipality is always by the side of our innovative young people. Last year, we succeeded in being the only municipality to open a booth from Kayseri at TEKNOFEST. Our young people did not leave our efforts unanswered and brought first place to Kayseri. Hopefully, we will achieve great results this year as well. I thank all the young people who produce projects for TEKNOFEST and wish them success.
He stated that the project evaluation results will be announced on the website