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  • Safe Drıvıng Traınıng For Melıkgazı Munıcıpal Personnel
09 February 2022

           The Mayor of Melikgazi is Dr. Mustafa Palancioglu said that training on Safe Driving and Pedestrian Priority was organized in cooperation with the Traffic Control Branch Directorate within the scope of the in-service training program for municipal personnel. 
           Underlining that pedestrians have the advantage of crossing in traffic, the Mayor Dr. Palancioglu said, "We are organizing training programs for our staff on many issues, we want them to benefit from the trainings and be informed. Respect the training, participants in the traffic, the harms of mobile phone use while driving, pedestrian priority traffic awareness, safe driving rules, the importance of seat belts, traffic and other traffic safety rules have been informed about the basic behaviour patterns. Safe driving requires serious training to minimize accidents. Pedestrians should learn to pass through a crosswalk. Because pedestrians are trying to cross all over the road, there are serious traffic problems. This training will be very useful from the point of view of safety in traffic. All drivers need to be taught the habit of safe traffic awareness. Let's respect each other in traffic and act in accordance with traffic rules for our health." said.