Our District, which was accepted by the decision of our Municipality Committee dated 28.08.2024 and numbered 1563 Parcel number 3 on island 12302, parcel number 3 on island 12303, and parcels 5, 6, 7 on island 12303, located in Ağırnas District. and parcels numbered 8, parcels numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 in island 15496, parcels numbered 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45 in island 15504, Parcels numbered 46, 47, 48, 49 and 80, parcel number 1 in 15594, parcel number 1 in island 15595, parcel number 1 in 15596 island 3 parcel, 15597 island parcel 2, 15598 island parcel 1 and 2, 15599 island 1 and Parcels number 2 and parcels numbered 9, 10 and 11, island 15415, located in the same neighborhood, which are partially included in the application. parcels, 15504 island, parcels numbered 26, 28, 29, 81 and 82. Regarding Land and Plot Regulations (d) of Article 17 of the Regulation under the heading "Construction of parceling plans and distribution principles" According to the clause; "Article 17 - (1 (d)) Shareholding land and plots remaining in the regulation area shall be in case of consent or if the actual use of the land is determined by the relevant administration. without seeking consent; Unless there is a contrary provision in the zoning plan, the minimum parcel plot specified in the zoning legislation It can be made independent provided that its size is ensured..." and Article 18 of the Zoning Law No. 3194, based on the Revision Implementation Zoning Plan zoning application studies and relevant parceling plans, distribution and calculations prepared in line with the parceling plans prepared according to the charts are in accordance with Article 7/b of Law No. 5216, Zoning Law No. 3194. Article 19 of the Law, the implementation articles of the Plan Purchasers Zoning Regulation and Plans approved in accordance with the Metropolitan Municipality Implementation Zoning Plan Notes are subject to a period of 1 month. It will be suspended on our municipality's bulletin board and website, and an announcement will be made after its announcement. that it be returned to our service along with a report specifying the start and end dates. I request your information.
Suspended: 24.09.2024
Suspended: 23.10.2024
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