Melikgazi Municipality adds value to the city by strengthening Kayseri's health infrastructure will implement the "Health Tourism Campus" project that will provide UI",sans-serif">Different project and attracts attention with its investor ideas and sets an example for Turkey with its innovative projects. Mayor Palancıoğlu, the world to Kayseri Health Tourism Campus, where tourists from all over will come for treatment Stating that the health infrastructure of the city will be strengthened with
We have brought our signature works that we have brought to Melikgazi in many areas, to our new
We crown it with our investments. With the theme of "health first", we have been serving our district for about 5.5 years.
We added 15 family health centers in a short time. Right now
We also put our ongoing family health centers at the service of our citizens.
We continue our efforts to make it ready. Innovator
We aim to raise the welfare level of our district with our projects and to improve the face of our citizens.
We aim to make you laugh. One of these projects is to bring Kayseri to all corners of the world.
"Health Tourism Campus" where it will host health tourists coming from nearby.
By strengthening the health infrastructure of our city, we provide our citizens with faster and
In our project where we aim to provide effective health services, dental, eye, hair transplantation,
There will be polyclinics in 12 different fields such as aesthetics, general surgery and diet. "Before
to our city thanks to our project designed with the theme of "tourism, trade first"
We will bring in health tourism. From different countries, different cities
To ensure the comfort of our incoming patients and their relatives, medical
We will provide options. Health tourists who will provide added value to our city,
As Melikgazi, we will please our tradesmen by leading the way. ”
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