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  • Melıkgazı Munıcıpalıty Adds A New Hıgh-Qualıty Road To Erenköy Neıghborhood
19 December 2023

Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu Inspects Ongoing Road Widening Project in Erenköy Neighborhood, Ardıçtepe Region.

Stating that infrastructure and superstructure works will continue as long as weather conditions permit, Mayor Palancıoğlu said, 'Our road projects in Melikgazi are continuing intensively before winter arrives. Due to the demand for Bahçelievler, the number of constructions has increased in all our neighbourhoods such as Erenköy, Hisarcık, Kıranardı, Becen, Altınoluk, Eğribucak.' In these areas, the number of residents during winter has also increased compared to the past. In this context, we are conducting an expansion project on the road from our Erenköy Neighbourhood to Haymana. This region was a highly rugged rocky area. We broke the rocks and built retaining walls. There is a feverish effort underway here. Currently, we have reached the final stages of our project to a large extent. Hopefully, when this is completed, not only will the risk of accidents be prevented, but also buses will pass much more comfortably due to the widened road. This project will add value to this area. Congratulations. May God protect us from accidents and troubles. I thank the Melikgazi personnel for their intense and dedicated efforts here. Hopefully, we will complete the asphalt of the road within a week and open it to traffic.