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  • Melikgazi Munıcıpalıty Contınues Its Asphalt And Landscapıng Works In Tınaztepe Neıghborhood
16 October 2024

Asphalt and environmental works in Melikgazi Municipality, Tınaztepe District carries out regulatory work. Improving road quality in the city Melikgazi Municipality teams, which carry out a planned and meticulous work for the purpose of to provide significant comfort to both drivers and pedestrians. continues.

To strengthen the transportation infrastructure of the district and provide more services to the citizens Asphalt works continue without slowing down to provide a comfortable driving experience. Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, "To Melikgazi We do our best to add value and make the lives of our citizens easier. We are working. The asphalt works we carried out in Tınaztepe District, We continue our services with parking lot and pavement renewal arrangements. Here We improved the quality of our roads by carrying out a total of 600 tons of asphalt work. we increased it. This work aims to provide a comfortable driving experience to our citizens. It also brings traffic safety. In addition, our city of our tradesmen in Tınaztepe District who contribute to the economy We renewed the sidewalks and parking lot in front of the shops. Service Starting with our love, we carry out asphalt and environmental projects in Tınaztepe District. It has increased the transportation comfort in our district to the highest level with its regulation works. We are happy to be. May God Almighty grant us the ability to use it without any accident or trouble. let it be. "I wish good luck to all our neighborhood residents," he said.