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  • Melıkgazı Munıcıpalıty Is Renovatıng Fatıh Sultan Mehmet Boulevard
27 August 2024

Melikgazi Municipality is rapidly continuing road renovation work in the district. In this context, asphalt work is ongoing on a 400-meter stretch of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boulevard in the Altınoluk Neighborhood.

Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu stated, 'By renovating this boulevard, which is heavily used by both the residents of this area and those heading to the Organized Industrial Zone, we are improving transportation comfort. We wish it to be beneficial for our district.

Prioritizing the comfortable and safe transportation of its residents, Melikgazi Municipality continues its road renovation and asphalt paving projects in the district. In this context, the Transportation Services Department teams, who have recently renovated Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boulevard in the Altınoluk Neighbourhood that connects to the Organized Industrial Zone, are meticulously working to lay asphalt on a 400-meter long and 16-meter wide section of the boulevard.

Emphasizing the importance of safe and comfortable transportation, Melikgazi Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu said, 'We are removing the old asphalt in our district and laying down new asphalt in its place. This way, we are renewing the roads.' Our teams are working on a 400-meter section of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boulevard in the Altınoluk Neighbourhood to renew the road. This section extends from the gas station at the entrance of the boulevard to the Hacı Kadir Tanver Family Health Centre. It is also used when heading to the 'Dağ Yolu' of the Organized Industrial Zone. Many vehicles pass through this area. By renewing this boulevard, which is heavily used by both local residents and those heading to the Organized Industrial Zone, we are enhancing transportation comfort. I thank our teams for their meticulous work. I hope this is beneficial for our district," he said.